About Us
Our story is simple.
ShipShape Company started because I wanted fun clothes that fit an active lifestyle. So I started designing them for myself. Then, I was told that others would like them, too. So here we are.
The styles are the result of my nomadic life. Maui, Lowcountry Carolinas, Denver, New York, London and Monterey, CA. I have called all home. I wanted to make clothes that brought the styles of these locations together and captured the spirit of adventure and virtues of the amazing individuals I am grateful to have met along the way.
Inspired by the ocean, the mountains, lowcountry estuaries and the rolling country of the UK, ShipShape makes clothing for the sportsman (fishing, surfing, golf, hunting), the tradesman (professional or garage tinkerer) and the weekend explorer.
Most importantly, its for those that are serious about living a good life, but don't take themselves too seriously.
Be Strong. Be Kind. Be of Service.
Hold Fast, friends.